Friday, September 10, 2010

Judicial Branch- Article 3 , Section 3 . Treason


Article 3 , Section 3 states " The congress shall have the power to declare punishment of treason............"
That statement means that if congress feels that someone is committing treason , they can try them in trial and make them have to serve a punishment.
 I don't agree with this cartoon nor do i think its accurate , But it's an example of treason.
The cartoon is saying that Obama is coroporating with different contries. Which means he is committing treason. I also think the cartoon is trying to say that he's doing it willingly. That he's letting them tell him what to do. The words in the picture say " a new puppet attaches his own strings...somethings havent changed".
By that I think the artist is trying to say that Bush was a "puppet". I think that the artist is trying to say that Bush commited treason and that things aren't going to change now that Obama is in office.

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