Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Amendment 10 - " Powers of the States and the People"

                      " Powers of the States and the People"



      The picture demonstrates the Tenth Amendment in action. The Tenth Amendment states that the power not specifically given in the US Constitution is granted to the States and/or the people.

      In the picture a citizen is talking to George Bush. George Bush is saying that he likes the national government a lot because it gives the president " all the power" . The man is saying no it doesn't becausee of the 10th Amendment.

    This picture is very clear in the message. It's true and the man is right. In my opinion I think George Bush would say something like that , just because he was a bad president and a bad leader. He should not have been the president of the United States. Him being the president has clearly gotten us into a very bad place. I'm glad Obama's in office now.

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