Thursday, September 23, 2010

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States.

   What About Those Broken Borders? Pew Says Illegal Immigration Declining

    Amendment 10 states : " The powers not delegated.......... nor prohibited by it to the States , are reserved to the states respectively". This amendment means that all the powers that are not specifically stated in the constitution about the states are automatically given to them.

   In the constitution is does not state any laws about immigration. Therefore all immigration laws concerning a state, may be created by the state.

   Arizona passed an immigration law for there state. The Obama administration was trying  to fight the law. They started noticing that the law was actually helping. the number of immigrants per year are beginning to go down. Deportation has helped as well. People are starting to feel that Arizona has sorta of made and example and things are starting to change.

 I think its good that Arizona's law is working effectively. The immigration numbers are going down. I still think that its a compliment when immigrants want to come to America. They come to better themselves. I think its good that us the American people can provide that for them. Its still a good thing that Arizona's happy and America is happy with the decrease in immigration.

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