Friday, September 10, 2010

Article 2 , The Executive Branch - Section 2

No Surrender To The Somali Pirate Thugs,9171,1891763,00.html
   The Executive Branch , Article 2 , Section 2 of the United States Constitution States , " The President shall .......... and shall have power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offense against The United States ............"

   This statement means that if the United States is being threatend or could be potentially in danger , then the president can do whatever he needs to , to make sure we are safe again.


   President Obama is fed up with the Somali Pirates! The Somali pirates have attacked many of the vessels that are in the Indian Ocean and The Gulf of Aden. They also were requesting ransom for the 300 sailors they were holding hostage. They were going back and forth. Eventually killing 2 of the pirates. Also killing one of the passengers.

         The Somali pirates aren't going to stop. This is somewhat of a terriosm and hostage crisis. The President feels that we should " work with our partners". The best way to keep the pirates out of the United States at this point is to have military inspections , exclusion zones and deadly force. That is what our " Partners" are feeling is the best solution. Some People beileve that the Pirates will come back and have " Revenge" on the Americans. Will they? Who knows. America better be ready if they do.

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